日本セキュリティ大賞2024 大賞受賞事例紹介


Global Cyber Defense Legacy:プロアクティブなサイバー防衛の実現
現在は60名程度で、体系化したDigital Opsのもと、1日7,000件を超える包括的なインテリジェンスを活用し、プロアクティブなサイバー防衛を遂行しています。

NECでは、Red Teamによるグローバルなサイバーリスクアセスメントを実施しています。



私たちはAIにはAIで対抗するべく、以下の図にあるように、Red Team とBlue Team双方向から、研究開発を含め積極的なAI活用に取り組んでおります。


今後もValue Creatorとして、社内で実践したセキュリティの取り組み事例を共有して参りますのでよろしくお願いいたします。
主催:一般社団法人日本デジタルトランスフォーメーション推進協会 セキュリティ部会
メディアパートナー:JAPANSecuritySummit Update
日本セキュリティ大賞2024 大賞を受賞
NEC、日本セキュリティ大賞2024 セキュリティ対策・運用部門で
"Data-Driven Comprehensive Enterprise Security Management
at NEC Group" Wins Grand Prize at Japan Security Awards 2024
Enterprise Security Architecture Reconstruction and Comprehensive Global Security Governance
As cyber threats become increasingly sophisticated and widespread with the advancement of digital transformation and AI,NEC Group serves as an enabler supporting a broad range of businesses from the ocean floor to space, with a mission to provide safety and security to society. To achieve this, we are working to ensure comprehensive security by reconstructing our zero-trust architecture under globally unified policies. This enables us to strengthen unified defense systems covering the entire supply chain and achieve rapid situation assessment during incidents, thereby reducing risks.

Global Cyber Defense Legacy: Achieving Proactive Cyber Defense

Since around 2018, NEC has raised its cybersecurity alert levels and strengthened its global cyber defense system through threat intelligence and offensive security assessments. Currently, a team of about 60 members executes proactive cyber defense under systematized Digital Operations, utilizing over 7,000 comprehensive intelligence daily.
Risk Reduction through Global Cyber Risk Assessment and Establishment of Security Management Cycle

Recent ransomware incidents have made it clear that externally exposed assets are particularly targeted. NEC conducts global cyber risk assessments through its Red Team. We maintain business continuity through a management cycle where leadership and field operations work together, from risk identification to response.
Cybersecurity Dashboard Paving the Way for Solving Management Challenges
To maintain a continuous and rapid risk reduction management cycle in coordination with field operations, we need mechanisms that encourage autonomous action. NEC developed the Cybersecurity Dashboard to transform into a data-driven security culture, addressing three management challenges: governance, accountability, and awareness.
The dashboard features three main functions: a Risk Dashboard for risk visualization and action promotion, a Threat Dashboard for threat/defense analysis and awareness building, and a Management Dashboard for security measure performance visualization.
For example, the Risk Dashboard makes organizational security risks transparent and automatically escalates to top management when responses are delayed, resulting in doubled risk response speed and and more than 80% reduction in ransomware risk. For more details, including videos, please refer to our article.

Activating Stakeholder Communication and Achieving Digital Accountability
When launching the dashboard, there were initial discussions about information disclosure levels. We proceeded with top-down implementation from the president. Now, transparent, quantitative conversations have become standard. We also engage in risk communication using the dashboard with external directors and goverment agencies.

AI-Driven Cyber Defense

NEC has implemented generative AI for attack email training., achieving over 90% reduction in workload for content creation. The training has shown positive results, including approximately 10% decrease in click rates for malicious URLs and files used in training.
However, this suggests that attackers' capabilities are also advancing in both quality and quantity. We are actively implementing AI from both Red Team and Blue Team perspectives, including research and development, to counter AI with AI.
Creating Value with Security Thought Leadership by Providing Internal Security Practices

As a Value Creator, we will continue sharing our internal security practice examples. Please visit the CISO Office's official website for more information.
About the Japan Security Awards
The Japan Security Awards program recognizes excellence in security initiatives implemented by private enterprises, public organizations, municipal governments, and support organizations in response to constantly evolving security threats. Through the recognition and broad dissemination of these best practices, the awards program aims to enhance security awareness and establish robust support frameworks across Japan.
Organized by: Security Division, Japan Digital Transformation Promotion Association
Under the Auspices of: Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC), Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), and Digital Agency
NEC Wins Grand Prize at Japan Security Awards 2024
Winners Announced for Japan Security Awards 2024
NEC Group's Data-Driven Comprehensive Security Management Wins Grand Prize at Japan Security Awards 2024
NEC's Internal Security Initiatives