「NECグループにおけるデータドリブンな包括的セキュリティ経営」が日本セキュリティ大賞2024 大賞を受賞

受賞内容 | NECグループにおけるデータドリブンな包括的セキュリティ経営 |
受賞区分 | セキュリティ対策・運用部門 大賞 |
受賞理由 | 日本電気株式会社は、経営層、セキュリティ推進組織、一般社員を巻き込み、グローバルレベルで自律的なサイバーセキュリティマネジメントを実践。生成AI等の最新技術を活用し、持続的なセキュリティ運用を推進している点が高く評価された。サイバーセキュリティダッシュボードによる社内セキュリティ強化と社会還元の取り組みも秀逸。今後、他業種へのノウハウ展開や、AIドリブン型攻撃への対応策の進展が期待される。 |


主催:一般社団法人日本デジタルトランスフォーメーション推進協会 セキュリティ部会

NEC、日本セキュリティ大賞2024 セキュリティ対策・運用部門で
日本セキュリティ大賞2024 大賞受賞事例紹介
"Data-Driven Comprehensive Enterprise Security Management at NEC Group" Wins Grand Prize at Japan Security Awards 2024
"NEC Group's Data-Driven Comprehensive Security Management" has won the Grand Prize in the Security Measures and Operations category at the "Japan Security Awards 2024," organized by the Japan Digital Transformation Promotion Association. This category evaluates cases where organizations have systematically worked on clear security commitments and infrastructure development, improving services for stakeholders and local residents, from the perspectives of rule development, organizational structure, and technology.
Award Title | Data-Driven Comprehensive Enterprise Security Management at NEC Group |
Category | Security Measures and Operations Category |
Reasons for Grand Prize Selection | NEC Corporation was highly acclaimed for implementing autonomous cybersecurity management at a global level, involving executive management, security promotion organizations, and general employees. The company has demonstrated excellence in promoting sustainable security operations through cutting-edge technologies, including generative AI. Their innovative approach to strengthening internal security via the Cybersecurity Dashboard, combined with their commitment to contributing these developments back to society, was particularly noteworthy. Looking ahead, there are high expectations for the expansion of their expertise to other industries and the advancement of countermeasures against AI-driven attacks. |
For detailed information about this award-winning initiative, please visit the CISO Office's official blog.
The Japan Security Awards program recognizes excellence in security initiatives implemented by private enterprises, public organizations, municipal governments, and support organizations in response to constantly evolving security threats. Through the recognition and broad dissemination of these best practices, the awards program aims to enhance security awareness and establish robust support frameworks across Japan.
About the Japan Security Awards
Organized by: Security Division, Japan Digital Transformation Promotion Association
Under the Auspices of: Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC), Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), and Digital Agency