- 一般的に広く用いられているMicrosoft Formsを採用。
- 項目内容にそって入力いただくことで、問い合わせの内容と、どこに対しての問い合わせなのかを一目で把握できるようになり、ユーザ目線でもゼロからメールを作成する手間を簡略化しました。

- Microsoft PlannerとTeamsを採用。
- Formsでの入力内容に基づき適切な担当チームのTeamsチャネルに通知を行い、Planner上でタスク化することで、

- Microsoft Listsを用いて問い合わせ内容と回答、担当者などの情報を収集。
- 集計や分析を行うことでQ&Aの作成や回答時の効率化を実現します。

選定した上記のツールをPower Automateを利用して連携することで、ノーコード開発による問い合わせ管理システムを構築しました。

As our services expand in features and scale, managing user inquiries becomes increasingly complex. Determining which feature an inquiry pertains to, identifying the appropriate person to handle it, and tracking the status of each inquiry become challenging tasks. The Cybersecurity Dashboard faced similar challenges as its functionality expanded and user access increased.
The traditional method of using mailing lists made it difficult to determine inquiry ownership, track current responses, and monitor status. This approach risked delayed responses and overlooked inquiries. To address these issues, we've developed a process for automating inquiry management using a combination of no-code development tools.
We identified three key functional requirements for managing inquiries:
- Classifying and standardizing inquiry content
- Managing response status
- Collecting inquiry content
We then selected appropriate tools for each category:
Classifying and standardizing inquiry content
- We implemented Microsoft Forms, a widely-used tool for general purposes.
- Users input information into predefined fields, allowing us to quickly understand the inquiry's content and target department. This approach also simplifies the process for users by eliminating the need to compose emails from scratch.
Managing response status
- We integrated Microsoft Planner and Teams.
- Based on Form inputs, notifications are sent to the appropriate team's Teams channel, and tasks are created in Planner. This system allows us to visualize and manage the response status for each inquiry efficiently.
Collecting inquiry content
- We utilize Microsoft Lists to collect information such as inquiry content, responses, and assigned staff.
- By aggregating and analyzing this data, we can create comprehensive Q&As and improve response efficiency.
We developed an automated inquiry management system using no-code development by integrating these tools through Power Automate. This solution addresses our challenges without developing a new system from scratch. By leveraging existing tools, we've achieved automation and improved efficiency in the complex task of inquiry management.