Splunk取材体験記 ~記事ができるまで~
先日、Splunk社から「日本電気株式会社、Splunk Enterpriseによるリスクと脅威のダッシュボードでセキュリティカルチャー変革を実現」として事例紹介記事がリリースされました。本日は、この記事が出来上がるまでの舞台裏をお伝えします。


その後、会議室にライター、インタビュアー、カメラマンなど多くの人が集まり、いよいよ取材開始です。1時間半以上にわたり、田上CISO統括オフィス長、そして先月Super SE 100人衆にも選出された木造プロフェッショナルから、何を目指してサイバーセキュリティダッシュボードを作ったのかの想い。ダッシュボードがどのように使われ、どのような効果を上げているのかという内容で熱く語っていただきました。


記事では、実際にSplunkでどんな工夫を施しダッシュボードを作成したか、どのような効果が生まれたかについて、余すところなくお伝えしています。また、今後Splunkのグローバル事例として英語化もされていく予定です。 みなさまぜひご覧ください!
Experience of a Splunk Interview: Behind the Scenes of Article Creation
Recently, Splunk Inc. released a case study titled "NEC Corporation: Transforming Security Culture with Risk and Threat Dashboards Using Splunk Enterprise." Today, we’ll share the behind-the-scenes process of how this article came together.
The interview took place in October 2023. Stakeholders gathered at NEC’s headquarters, and preparations began. The first task was photographing the dashboard development team for the customer case study leaflet. Various locations were scouted to find the perfect background for the article, and the NEC front entrance was chosen to prominently feature the company name. Multiple photos were taken with different expressions, facial angles, and hand positions, and later, the photo that best matched the article’s content was selected. A dignified photo was chosen this time.
The development of the cybersecurity dashboard started with just a few members but has now grown to a large team of over 20 people. However, there are no dedicated members for the dashboard; everyone contributes alongside their main duties. Each member takes ownership, voluntarily contributing ideas and working in an agile and teal style of development.
Next, a large group including writers, interviewers, and photographers gathered in a conference room to begin the interview. For over an hour and a half, CISO Office Head Mr. Tagami and recently selected Super SE 100 member Mr. Kizukuri passionately discussed the goals behind creating the cybersecurity dashboard, how it’s used, and its effects.
After the interview, we received the draft of the customer case study leaflet for review. We spent several months making detailed corrections and adjustments to ensure there were no misunderstandings or misleading expressions, and that the content effectively conveyed our message.
The interview's content had to be condensed into two pages, so unfortunately, many stories couldn’t be included due to space limitations. Here, we’d like to introduce the architecture behind the dashboard's creation.
In the CISO Office’s operations, we use tools like Slack, Confluence, Trello, and Jira for meticulous and quick collaboration and knowledge sharing, applying this expertise to the dashboard creation as well. Speed is crucial for displaying information on the dashboard. Regardless of how excellent a dashboard is, users won’t use it if it takes minutes to load. We collect and analyze over 1TB of logs daily, but real-time data analysis would slow down the display. To address this, we aggregate logs into meaningful information under 1GB through statistical processing and send this data to a separate Splunk instance for dashboard display, reducing load and speeding up display times.
The article comprehensively covers the creative methods used in Splunk for dashboard creation and the resulting benefits. It is also set to be translated into English as a global Splunk case study. Please check it out!