





三田駅A10出口にてNEC Award展示(into ACTION)スタート!
~Cyber Security Dashboard プロジェクト紹介~


2024/2/7より、NEC本社ビルに直結する三田駅A10出口(利用時間:7:00~20:00)にて、NEC Awardの特別展示(into ACTION)が行われており、我々のプロジェクトが紹介されています!

NEC Awardとは、NECグループのPurpose実現のために尽力し、業績(Performance)または行動(Code of Values)で優れた成果をあげたプロジェクトを表彰するものとなっており、CISO統括オフィスが取り組む「サイバーセキュリティダッシュボード開発」 プロジェクトが2023年度Best Value Awardに選出されました。


















Special Exhibition of NEC Award at Mita Station A10 Exit

Starting February 7, 2024, a special exhibition for the NEC Award titled "into ACTION" is being held at Mita Station A10 Exit (open from 7:00 AM to 8:00 PM), directly connected to the NEC headquarters building, showcasing our project!

The NEC Award recognizes projects that have made significant achievements in performance or demonstrated outstanding behavior in line with NEC Group’s purpose. The CISO Office's "Cybersecurity Dashboard Development" project was selected for the 2023 Best Value Award.

Project Overview

To ensure all NEC Group employees proactively address the increasing cyberattacks, we developed and launched a dashboard that visualizes NEC's cybersecurity status company-wide. The dashboard is a tool that graphically compiles various data into easily understandable visuals, enabling data-driven cybersecurity management, highlighting risks, and encouraging actionable responses. This concept has resonated with customers and contributed to the creation of new business opportunities.

The display includes behind-the-scenes stories of the dashboard’s development, the team's dedication, and introductions to the project members.

Project Inception

In recent years, as reliance on digital environments in corporate activities has grown, the risk of cyberattacks has also increased, potentially causing significant impacts on business operations. Recognizing cybersecurity risks as a critical issue in risk management, NEC needed to swiftly implement countermeasures.

The project was launched by members of the CISO Office, which oversees NEC’s information security strategy. The goal was to visualize the threat landscape of cyberattacks on NEC Group and the risk status of each company and division, facilitating swift decision-making by management and fostering a sense of urgency and proactive action among all employees. The CISO Office believes, "Risks in the invisible realm of cyberspace are hard to grasp, and the importance of countermeasures is not easily communicated. We should first present data as facts and make them visible before discussions." The development aimed to create a dashboard that allows everyone, from executives to general employees, to easily understand the current state of cybersecurity and make informed decisions and prioritizations based on data.

Development Innovations and Effects

The development and internal negotiations were carried out by a small team of just 7 to 8 people. The team included not only cybersecurity professionals but also game developers, designers, and other experts from various fields, both inside and outside the company, bringing diversity to the team. Despite the small core team, each member understood their role and acted independently, enabling the project to proceed swiftly in an agile manner.

Special emphasis was placed on the screen design of the dashboard. Rather than just displaying numbers, the layout was designed to be easily understandable by anyone and to lead to concrete actions.

As a result, the dashboard significantly strengthened NEC’s cybersecurity measures. With the introduction of the dashboard, management can now grasp the state of cybersecurity in real-time. General employees also understand the importance of cybersecurity and have started taking their own measures.

The dashboard has been actively introduced and evaluated externally as well. In 2023, it received the IT Excellence Award and the top prize at the MM Research Institute Awards, among others, recognizing its advanced nature. This dashboard also led to new business opportunities for NEC. The concept and know-how of this dashboard have been offered to client companies as a "data-driven cybersecurity service," receiving high praise.

Future Prospects

This tool enables fact-based security management and helps reduce security risks. Utilizing it in meetings such as board meetings and executive committees not only transforms top-level awareness but also fosters security awareness among employees.

Mr. Kizukuri describes the envisioned future through the development of the dashboard:

"Cybersecurity should not be confined to the security department; it should be a collective effort involving everyone. Through the dashboard, we want to convey this message to as many people as possible. In a world where digital accountability becomes the norm, being able to correctly communicate security performance will be one element of gaining trust. By showing stakeholders the security performance, we hope to build a society where trust is earned in this manner."

The project team’s challenge has only just begun. Moving forward, we aim to further strengthen NEC’s security measures through the enhanced use of the dashboard and contribute to raising the overall security level of society.


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