
M365保護対象 - Veritas Alta SaaS Protection


Veritas Alta SaaS Protection が保護可能なMicrosoft 365のアイテムを一覧化しています。(※2024年1月現在)

Exchange Online

  • Mailboxes of users, groups, and Teams mailboxes.​
  • Public Folders​
  • Archive mailboxes​
  • Shared mailboxes​
  • Contacts and calendars​
  • Tasks and notes​
  • Mailbox Rules​
  • Junk Email and Deleted Items: Junk email and deleted items folders to restore accidentally deleted or wrongly categorized emails.​


Teams Sites collections​

Veritas Alta SaaS Protection supports backup of Microsoft Teams and groups.​ This data is stored in the SharePoint site collections that are associated with the Team, its private channels, or Microsoft 365 groups.

SharePoint Online

Veritas Alta SaaS Protection supports the backup of various types of SharePoint data, including documents, list items, versions, site pages, site collections, and sub-site settings, site and sub-site columns, site and sub-site content types, list settings, list columns, list content types, and permission objects such as groups, role definitions, and role assignments.​

Teams Chat data​

  • Chat Conversations: All chat conversations that occur within the Teams chat environment, including one-on-one chats and group chats.​
  • Media Files: Media files that are shared within Teams chat, such as images, videos, and audio files.​
  • Emojis, GIFs, and Stickers: Links, emojis, GIFs, stickers, or other visual element.​
  • Chat History: Chat history for each user.​


OneDrive for Business​

  • Files and Documents: All files and documents stored in the user's OneDrive account, including documents, spreadsheets, presentations, images, videos, and any other file types.​
  • Folders and Folder Structures: Folder hierarchy and structure.​
  • Shared Files and Folders: Shared files or folders.​
  • Version History: Version history of files.​
  • Metadata and File Properties: Metadata associated with files, such as file names, creation dates, modification dates, and other custom properties.​
  • Permissions and Sharing Settings: Permissions and sharing settings applied to files and folders, including user access rights, sharing links, and permissions inheritance.​


Google Drive​

  • Files and Documents: All files and documents that are stored in Google Drive, including documents, spreadsheets, presentations, images, videos, and any other file types.​
  • Shared Files and Folders: Files or folders have been shared with others.​
    Version History: Version history of files.​
  • Deleted Files: Deleted files.​
  • Metadata and File Properties: Metadata and properties, such as author information, creation dates, and custom metadata fields associated with files.​





  • Emails: All emails in the Gmail account, including inbox messages, sent items, drafts, and archived emails.​Attachments: Attachments associated with emails.​
  • Labels and Folders: Labels and folders.​
  • Contacts: Contact lists and address books.​
  • Filters and Rules: Filters or rules.​
  • Chat Conversations: Google Chat within Gmail.​
  • Calendar Events and Invitations: If Gmail is linked to a Google Calendar, backups calendar events, invitations, and associated details.​
  • Deleted Emails: Deleted emails.​



  • Files and Documents: All files and documents are stored in Box, including documents, spreadsheets, presentations, images, videos, and any other file types.​
  • Version History: Version history of files in Box to retain previous versions and revisions of documents, including the versions that have been trashed.​
  • Shared Files and Folders: Files or folders have been shared with others. All folders and files, which are shared with the user being processed. For example, the data, which the user has access on is captured in the context of that user. If the same folder is shared with 10 users, the folder is captured 10 times (once for each user). Deduplication is applied and only the physical copy of the folder is stored.​
  • Box Notes: Notes for collaborative note-taking. The raw .Boxnote file, which is restored properly is backed up.​
  • Set the ACL for captured content to the user.​
  • All tags, which are applied to files.​
  • Restore folders and files back to Box.​
  • Missing files can be restored with their entire version history.​
  • Existing files will have only the latest version from Veritas Alta SaaS Protection.
