View/edit the settings for the accounting management feature, and define user account information.
The displayed items vary depending on the authentication method implement in your environment.
Configure the settings for account IDs.
This item is displayed when [Authentication/Accounting Type] is set to [Local] or [Network], and the printer is equipped with a storage.
Set whether to use account IDs.
Set [Default Label] for account IDs, and set whether to [Mask Input].
Clicking the [Edit] button displays the [Account ID Management] dialog box.
This item is displayed when [Authentication/Accounting Type] is set to [Local].
Press "+" on the right side of the screen, and enter [Account Name] and [ID].
Displays the account ID.
Set an account name for the account ID.
Set whether to reset the Total Impressions counter up to the present time for the selected account to "0".
Set whether associate account IDs with new users or existing users.
Downloads an accounting report.
This item is displayed when [Authentication/Accounting Type] is set to [Local].
Resets accounting information.
This item is displayed when [Authentication/Accounting Type] is set to [Local].