Configure the settings for POP3.
Set whether to enable the use of the incoming email port.
Specify the service provider to use for POP3.
Enter the address and port number of the incoming email server to be connected via the POP3 protocol.
This must be specified as an IP address or as a server name that is in fully qualified domain name (FQDN) format.
Set whether to encrypt the incoming email password.
Enter the user name for the incoming email server.
Enter the password for the incoming email server. This field cannot be left blank.
Enter the same string as that you entered in [Password].
Set whether to use the SSL/TLS communication feature of POP3.
Set the interval to check the POP3 server for new emails.
In normal use, do not change the items except for [Polling Interval].
Enter the address and port number of the incoming email server to be connected via the POP3 protocol.
This must be specified as an IP address or as a server name that is in fully qualified domain name (FQDN) format.
The default values are "" and "995".
Set the interval to check the POP3 server for new emails.
Make sure to set an interval shorter than the valid period of the Azure Active Directory access token. By default, the valid period of access token is one hour.
Enter the host name for Azure Active Directory.
The default value is "".
Enter the endpoint path for Azure Active Directory device code.
The default value is "oauth2/v2.0/devicecode".
Enter the endpoint path for Azure Active Directory token.
The default value is "oauth2/v2.0/token".
Enter the name of the tenant that requires access permissions.
The default value is "common".
Enter the client ID.
Enter the scope that asks users for agreement.
The default value is " offline_access openid email".