Internet Services Help

[Print File]

You can submit print jobs directly from the Internet Services screen to the printer.

Specify printing options.


Click [Browse] to specify the file to print. You can print files of the following file formats: PDF, TEXT, PostScript, PCLXL, JPEG*1, TIFF*1, XPS*2, DocuWorks (extensions: pdf, jpg, jpeg, jpe, jfif, pjpeg, txt, tif, tiff, xps, oxps, xdw, xbd and others).
*1 CMYK format is not supported.
*2 XPS stands for XML Paper Specification.

[Job Type]

Specify the printing method.

  • Immediate Print: A normal printing method.
  • Sample Set: Submitted print data is stored temporarily on a user name basis, and one copy of the data is printed as a sample set. You can go to the printer to check the print results and then print the remaining copies by resuming the printing at the printer.
    Set [User Name] that runs printing of the sample set.
  • Delayed Print: Submitted print data is stored in the printer temporarily, so you can print it at the specified time.
    If the specified time exceeds, the job is printed at the specified time on the next day.
  • Secure Print: Submitted print data is stored in the printer temporarily, so you can print it on demand by starting the printing at the printer.
    [User Name] and [Passcode] can also be set.

[Print Settings]



Set the number of copies to print.

Output Color

Set whether to print the job in color.
If you select [Auto Detect], the printer determines colors of the originals, and color originals are printed in color and black & white originals in black & white.

Paper Size

Set the paper size to use.

Paper Type

Set the paper type to use.

Paper Supply

Set the paper tray to use.

2 Sided

Set whether to do 2-sided printing.


Select a collating option.


Set whether to apply stapling. This item can be set only when the optional finisher is installed.

Hole Punch

Set whether to apply hole punching This item can be set only when the optional finisher is installed.

Output Destination

Set the output destination. This item is displayed when two or more output destinations are found. Only those equipped on the printer are displayed.


The displayed items vary depending on the authentication method or accounting method implemented in your environment.

Account Type

Set the account type used for accounting.

Account ID

Set the account to be used at the time you print the document.